Mt Whitney - Four Years Ago Today

[Originally published elsewhere on 7/21/19, describing a trek to Mt Whitney via the Mountaineer's route as a fundraiser for the Michael J Fox Foundation] Some thoughts/lessons learned for next time: I finally understand the usefulness of trekking poles. They help me a lot in poor-balance situations and get in the way in poor-coordination situations, and there are times when I prefer to put my hands on rocks (or branches), but I get it. I was considering carrying my cane instead of poles, like on Mt Charleston, but that would not work on a climbers' trail. I need to be more conscientious with sun screen and insect repellent. My training in the months leading up to this trip was pretty good, with one glaring omission: walking on steep slopes and jagged rocks. I can go for a longer hike with few if any problems where it's flat or stair-stepped, but on a real trail I got blisters on the balls of my feet. Better preparation needs to include hikes on rugged terrain, or if th...