Broken, Not Broken
So when I fell at about mile 2 in the Utah Spartan Beast on July 20--just over a month ago--I felt confident that my finger was broken. The medics agreed, and they applied a makeshift split made of a popsicle stick and tape. That kept the finger straight and provided a small amount of protection. I got home late the next day and visited the doctor morning after that. I did not get past the desk at my primary care physician's office; they don't deal with such things and told me to go to the urgent care clinic. The urgent care doc said that it did indeed look broken and referred me to a hand specialist for x-rays, diagnosis, and treatment. When I called for an appointment, they gave me the first available: July 31! That was pretty rotten, as it failed to account for the importance of timely treatment for a broken bone. Quick side story: the first time I had a broken bone was in the Navy in 1992 or 1993. I was at the base in Newpo...