When I registered for the 12/7/24 Hyrox in Anaheim, I asked if they had an adaptive division. They did not. Nothing was said about changes that were in the works, but when I looked at the rules in the days leading up to the race, I saw that they had separate rules for athletes with disabilities. Not just one division had been added, but six (nine if you count the subdivisions). They are (a) Lower Limb Impairment (b) Upper Limb Impairment (c) Short Stature Impairment (d) Visual/Hearing Impairment (e) Neurological Impairment (broken down to the following sub-divisions) i. Neurological Major ii. Neurological Minor (f) Seated Impairment (broken down to the following sub-divisions) i. Seated With Hip Function (SWHF) ii. Seated Without Hip Function (SWOHF) iii. Seated Without Core Function (SWOC) I assumed that I would be either neuro minor or neuro major due to Parkinsons, but I reached out to the race organizers to...