Cue Ball

I shaved my head (or rather, someone shaved it for me) for the second time in my life. The first was early in Officer Candidate School (OCS). It was not the night that we arrived, but very likely the next morning that we went to the on-base barber (a rather optimistic title for this particular individual, as I recall). A long line of heads to shave means fast work, and fast work . . . well, he only drew blood from one of us (it wasn't me). I have no pictures from then. The second time was two weeks ago, and it was for a fundraiser. My usual fundraising beneficiary is going to be related to Parkinson's somehow, and it is mostly Team Fox and the Michael J Fox Foundation. However, I make exceptions from time to time--after all, there are many good causes out there in need of support--and this was one of those times. The organization is St. Baldrick's Foundation ( ), and they raise money to fight childhood cancer and raise awareness of rel...