Cue Ball

I shaved my head (or rather, someone shaved it for me) for the second time in my life. The first was early in Officer Candidate School (OCS). It was not the night that we arrived, but very likely the next morning that we went to the on-base barber (a rather optimistic title for this particular individual, as I recall). A long line of heads to shave means fast work, and fast work . . . well, he only drew blood from one of us (it wasn't me). I have no pictures from then.

The second time was two weeks ago, and it was for a fundraiser. My usual fundraising beneficiary is going to be related to Parkinson's somehow, and it is mostly Team Fox and the Michael J Fox Foundation. However, I make exceptions from time to time--after all, there are many good causes out there in need of support--and this was one of those times. The organization is St. Baldrick's Foundation (, and they raise money to fight childhood cancer and raise awareness of related issues.

For several years my brother has been part of a team (called The Beard is Weird) that spends each year growing impressive beards, only to have their heads shaved (beards included) up on stage at McMullen's Irish Pub here in Las Vegas. The idea, of course, is to inspire people to donate. I always felt moved to do so, and at the same time, a tiny voice said "I should do that". Well, I never did . . . until this year. I don't know exactly why, but this year that voice was louder, and it added, "Kids should not die of cancer". No one should die of cancer, but if I were to lose that particular battle, well, I have lived a full life, a wonderful life. It would be hard on my family, but far worse for a kid to have to suffer that fate.

So on a whim, and at the last minute, I got in the car and drove to McMullen's. I had hoped to see my brother, but he was long gone. In fact, they were starting to shut down for the night when I arrived. They graciously announced that there would be just one more head to shave. It did not take long.

So was it worth it? I have three pictures showing my cue ball head: right after, one week after, and two weeks after. In two weeks, it's pretty much back to normal, in my mind anyway. If that part doesn't bother me, then it comes down to money. I donated the same amount this year as in prior years. The only difference, then, is whether I have inspired any further donations. You can let me know privately if you want. There is no need to say anything, if you would rather remain anonymous. Just know that, should you make a donation because of my antics, the answer is a resounding


It was certainly worth it.


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