2024 Las Vegas Spartan Sprint

The  Sunday weather was good, even before sunrise.  It was a bit cold, but with no rain it was easy enough to deal with the temperature.   My shoes were still wet and muddy from yesterday, but everything was freshly laundered.  Unlike Friday night, I was still asleep when my alarm went off at 3 AM.  I like to get an early start, for several reasons--to have plenty of time to eat and let my stomach settle; to take my pills and ensure they are working before I leave the house; to take care of any bathroom issues before leaving the house, if possible; and to do whatever chores I did not take care of the day before.

Prior to this weekend, I have always gone through registration and then struggled to put on my headband and armbands.  It is not uncommon for folks to watch, and even offer to help, which is great.  This weekend, however, I asked if I could use the ADA parking, and the event staff graciously granted my request.  This gave me the option of walking back to the car with my race packet and taking care of things there.  It worked great--the mirror made the headband easy, and I was able to sit and fiddle with the arm bands and timing chip until I had them in place.  ADA FTW!

After a last-minute bowel movement at the port-potties, it was time to get to the start line.  (Better home than race venue . . . but better at the Spartan village than out on the race course.)  There were fewer people today than yesterday, and they turned us loose all at once instead of in three waves.  Like yesterday, I started last. I briefly passed another racer, but soon fell back to last again.  Remember that chip time determines final ranking, so there could always be someone slower than me whom I never saw.  Such was the case today, as the official results show that I came in 122 out of 141.  Yeah!

Obstacles (based on memory, but will be updated when the obstacle survey becomes available):

Hurdles - no problem

Over-under - no problem

4ft wall - no problem

Barbed wire crawl - no problem

Rolling mud - no problem

Dunk wall - no problem.  Today the water was there, but the wall itself was gone.  We just walked right through.  Dry (mostly)!  Yes!

Slip wall - no problem

Plate drag - no problem.  I actually grabbed one that was stuck on a rock.  They let me go clear the rock, and from there it was straightforward.

Monkey bars - did not attempt;  Penalty loop #1.    (PL#1)

Atlas carry - very difficult.  However, the ball was dry, and after I picked it up, I was able to complete the obstacle.  I did stop to rest halfway through, but I did not drop the ball.

Spear throw - failed.   I had a good grip on the spear and produced a good throw, but it struck an inch or two from the target.  PL#2

7ft wall - no problem

Beater - did not attempt; PL#3

Stairway to Sparta - no problem

Sand bag carry - success!  Much better than yesterday, with no drops and far fewer rest stops.

Z wall - no problem

Inverted wall - success! Even more awkward than yesterday, but I got over.

Bucket carry - success!  Only one rest stop today, if I recall correctly.

Vertical cargo - no problem

Rope climb - failed; PL#4.  I was able to get one "shinny" up the rope before I slipped off.  That is not much, but it is better than I've done in over 40 years.

Hercules hoist - success!  No way was I gong to fail this two days in a row.  I used my body weight more effectively, saved my arms, and nailed it.

A-frame cargo - no problem

Fire jump - no problem; finished! 


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