DBS part 1

DBS stands for deep brain stimulation. It is a well-established surgical treatment option for Parkinson's Disease. For more details, see https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21088-deep-brain-stimulation My DBS journey began nearly a year ago, in the spring of 2024. Prior to that I had heard about it, talked about it, and learned about it for a few years, but that is when I began to have serious discussions about it with my neurologist. There are several steps to complete in order to determine if you are a good candidate for DBS. Some of them can be completed just by looking at medical records--for example, determining how long it has been since diagnosis. Others require action, and we began to plan those action items in May 2024. Among other things, I had to be tested for cognitive decline and get an MRI of my brain. The final check was a series of standard PD tests--walk, stomp your feet, stand up from a chair, etc--without and then ...